Level Line Gutters

Professional gutter installation and custom fabrication throughout the greater Seattle metropolitan area

West Seattle, Washington



Since 1980, Level Line Gutters has specialized in installing high quality, continuous aluminum gutters to residential customers throughout the greater metropolitan Seattle area, ranging from Des Moines to Northgate, with a focus on West Seattle, Washington.

Our owner Mark Sewell takes pride in having hung literally every foot of gutter himself since his company was founded.

  1. New gutter and downspout installations

  2. Gutter additions

  3. Gutter replacements

  4. Gutter screens

  5. Gutter scupper boxes

  6. Custom ornamental gutters

  7. Gutter connections to rainwater collection and storage barrels

Note: we do not do gutter repair work at this time

Over 30 years of professional continuous gutter installation and custom fabrication throughout Seattle

Licensed * Bonded * Insured


© Mark Sewell - Level Line Gutters & Downspouts of West Seattle, 2011

website and photography by Sindelar Communications & Marketinghttp://www.sindelarmarketing.comhttp://www.sindelarmarketing.com/shapeimage_4_link_0


Licensed, bonded and insured • LEVELLG097O2